Sunday, April 5, 2009

Only a second to talk

I could hear Ashlee's labored breath in the receiver. "Andy, don't forget your head light, we will have to walk back in the you have your bag......" Mother hen clucking away at Andy.
"Didn't you get my text message? I can't talk today. The Embassy is here to show the movie and everything is a cluster right now."
They did run into a guy that had recently been with several NFL players visiting Zambia on their way to see some of the troops. Boomer Grigsby, Jared Allen, and one of the Cardinals that has dreads she wasn't sure who. Ashlee was excited to tell that much at least. Every reminder of home is exciting.
They found out that Andy can get a ride to Solwezi on Monday so he will take off then and Ashlee will be able to get a ride in 'a very nice' vehicle which they can take all the way to Lusaka so that was big to them. Transportation is on of the biggest obstacles for them so a decent ride is always a blessing. I am glad we are renting a car for our visit. Just a few short weeks now and the excitement builds...

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