Sunday, July 12, 2009

On the road again...

Andy and Ashlee were pulled from their site on Friday and they are now in Solwezi. They had to leave the site while the truck was in the area to get their stuff from the village. Now they will be at the provincial house for a week or so until someone comes to move them their new home across country. Dorris was going to cook a big meal and kill a chicken but Andy couldn't come home because he was helping with Jeff (see paragraph below). Everyone from the village had come by and asked what they were going to leave for them. Ashlee told them that they were not leaving anything to them because they will need it at their new home. They were not happy about that. She left a few things for Dorris but that was it. The villagers didn't seem to understand that they are moving to another house and will need their things. She said the men were running to scavenge the but they only left a few broken chairs in the kazanza. It was kind of a downer to see that they couldn't even wait for them to get out of sight.
Jeff, one of the volunteers we met while visiting, was hit by a truck outside the market the other day. The truck hit him and then ran over him outside the market. There were several volunteers in Solwezi at the time so they got him right to the hospital. His nose and jaw may be broken.They drove him to Chingola in an ambulance with an American doctor and then they flew him to South Africa as soon as the sun came up the next day. They won't know more about his condition until he gets access to a phone because the PC cannot tell them anything more because of confidentiality. They are confident that he will be fine but do not now if he will be returning to Zambia or not. Jeff was just placed a few months ago, so he was new to the area. It will ultimately be up to him if he wants to return.
Dad called and gave Ashlee his own state of the union address this morning. He filled her in on the Obama's low approval rating, California's mounting debt, the death of Michael Jackson, the murder of Steve McNair, the decrease in the wine industry and other issues in the news these days. She was aware of most of it on her Internet phone, but enjoyed the commentary.

"I am so excited about our new job. A shower, yeah!" Ashlee Fritz 12 July 2009

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